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 Digital photography.

Relaxing water safari on a wooden canoe, searching for crocodiles and hipos, Malawi lake.

Brand new Land Rover in Liwonde national park.

Sunrise on a tea plantations.

Local fishermans transportation and tools.

Brand new Land Rover in Liwonde national park.

You are almost welcome. 

A wise South African man, Willie. We had the best time relaxing by the lake in Hakuna matata camp, Chitimba. Wish you all the best Magie and Willie!

Malawians are known as very, very good wood carvers!

Another amazing people we met on our journey. We got a free ride through all Malawi on a pickup truck, free accommodation, free extremely comical situations, family love, and at the end, we were invited to a family picnic on Mulanje mountain. That's why Malawi is called warm heart of Africa. Best memories, love you Clara&Kevin&Company

From what i saw, in the villages, woman do all the work. Without exceptions.

Chilling out at the waterfall, with an amazing view, after 9 hours of walking. (Not knowing, that we still had 3 more hours to our camp) 


One of many baobab trees. This is a baby baobab...

Kayaking... First stop was this little lonely island.

the end

Hiking from Chitimba to Chomba mountain.


Local table game.

the end

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